Holistic Services
We explore your unique life story. We investigate how each aspect of your body, mind, and spirit impacts your mental health. We support you in finding your balance.

Holistic Steps on the Journey to Well-Being
Medication is one aspect of an holistic, integrative approach that will be considered. While we want to treat symptoms, it is very important we also explore the underlying causes of the symptoms to increase our chances of successful long-term changes.
Please note, we do not prescribe any controlled substances at this time. Please see the policy below.
Nutraceuticals can include:
· Herbal/Plant-based Supplements
· Vitamins and Minerals
· Antioxidants
· Probiotics
· Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These types of support for the biological factors underlying symptoms and conditions can help treat the root causes.
Intentionally engaging in therapy can be a transformative experience, bringing greater emotional resilience and a deeper connection to oneself and others. Therapy is shown to have many benefits to support improving mental health and well-being, including:
· Emotional Expression
· Increased Self-Awareness
· Empowerment
· Resiliency
· Coping Strategies
· Improved Relationships
· Problem-Solving Skills
· Validation of Feelings
· Provides a Supportive Environment
Mindfulness is a cornerstone practice that can optimize health across a wide spectrum of conditions. Mindfulness is simply paying attention to the present moment–or as Jon Kabat-Zinn (the pioneer of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) states, “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally”. The ability to experience our lives unfolding non-judgementally is a key which can unlock peace-of-mind.
When investigating the biological root of the concern, various methods of inquiry can help pinpoint systems to support. Various testing modalities can be used to investigate biological causes, including lab testing, advanced diagnostic testing, and genetic testing.
There are many ways to modify our mental health by modifying our behaviors and environment. Many of the things that keep us healthy take time and effort, but it is important to remember that the investment in your health is priceless. Diet, physical activity, outlook, community engagement, and other aspects of lifestyle have a significant impact on our mental health.

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Controlled Substance Policy
While we recognize there can be therapeutic value for some when utilizing controlled substances–including benzodiazepines, certain sleep agents, and stimulants–we also understand that there are risks for misuse of these medications and strive to limit any potential harm for our clients. For this reason, Liminal Space Mental Health does not provide any initial or continued controlled substance prescriptions at this time.

Request your appointment
Request your appointment to begin a collaborative and supportive partnership to empower your mental health journey.